

Partners In Crime.
Name Partners In Crime.
Ticker PNC..
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Valentina DeMonstre
Members 5
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 1386009492

Members [5]


After years of training and preparation Partners In Crime is ready to claim its place in the galaxy. This corporation is about having fun and enjoying your time in eve.

We are a PvP focused Corp with the Goal of improving our strengths and eliminating our weakness. Small scale PvP and solo work is our trade mark.

PvP in EvE is an art and should be regarded as such. With proper training and team building all of our pilots will handle any situation with the deadly confidence required to becoming a EvE imortal.

From the newest pilot to the oldest we all have our place in EVE and PvP in general. To be a good PvPer is to know your targets, to be a great PvPer is to know your team.

Partners in Crime. is now Recruiting !!!

-Tierd of Sov POS bashing ??
-Lowsec PvP Messed up your standing ??
-Flying around Highsec wanting to PvP but cant find like minded people to fly with ??

PnC is a old corp looking for new blood. We offer a laid back environment for pilots looking to have fun, not go to work after work.

If your into small fleet/Solo PvP or small fleet/solo PvP interests you feel free to contact Valentina DeMonstre or Maltzar Hu or pop in to PnC Public and chat us up there !!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 20:37:13
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