

Pathfinder Services
Name Pathfinder Services
Ticker PTHSR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lyylana Valen
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98109645

Members [3]


(Primarily US players/timezones)
We're an active industrial corp with huge dreams including operating a POS in high sec, doing low/null sec ops, eventually joining an alliance and holding sovregnity (or pretending to on friendly turf), and possibly some WH exploration. We love helping new players get into all eve has to offer!

What we offer right now:
A perfect home system for mining
Corp Ore/Mineral buy program
Ship replacement when downed on corp OPs
Weekly dividends paid out to shareholders

Short term goals:
Training and outfitting a team of miners
Aquisition of liquid assets
Standings increases across the board

Priority long term goals:
Mass production
Nullsec mining and exploration
Corp-owned POS

We're looking for miners, industrialists, and mission runners at the moment, and who would EVER turn down a combat pilot?

As the corp is currently in the buildup stage, now is an excellent time to get in on the ground floor. (winkwink)

8/2/2015: We're still here, baby! We've also begun the alliance negotiation phase.

*Leadership positions are being considered for people with the appropriate skillset.*

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:32:00
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