

Patina Corporation
Name Patina Corporation
Ticker PACRP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Krabaska Denlass
Members 8
Tax Rate 50%
corporationID 98042143

Members [8]


Patina is (currently) a one-person corporation, where I am enjoying the convenience of having corp hangars and divisions to keep personal inventory better organized and be able to easily share goods among my 8 characters.

Patina is not by default open for invites, but if we know eachother it might be open for adding others.

Patina is currently not in any alliance, but might be open to join one of similar minded people and small or single-person corporations who would like some mutual benefit from pleasant team effort.

- Barbasja (main)
- Krabaska Denlass (alt, CEO)
- Hiss Boo (alt)
- Grasleppa Hrogn (alt)

Ore (prev. Gravimetric) sites: Mining (better ore than normal for the system security)
Relic (prev. Magnetometric) sites: Drops for Rig Production etc. Needs Relic Analyzer (prev Salvager / Analyzer)
Data (prev. Radar) sites: Drops stuff for Invention etc. Data Analyzer (prev. Codebreaker) needed. Failed attempts may alert enemies
Gas (prev. Ladar) sites: Gas clouds. High sec one type, null sec another type. Occationally with pirate factories (defended)
Unknown type sites are split into Combat and Wormholes after June 4th 2013 (Odessey release).
TRAIN THESE SKILLS! (Some are Important, i.e. train to 5), others optional but highly relevant)
Engineering ---- maximize power grid
Electronics ---- maximize CPU
Energy Systems Operation ---- maximize capacitor recharge rate.
Energy Management ---- maximize capacitor capacity.
Shield Operation ---- maximize shield recharge rate.
Shield Management ---- maximize shield capacity.
Hull Upgrades ---- maximize armor strength.
Mechanic ---- maximize hull strength.
Navigation ---- maximize ship speed.
Spaceship Command
Warp Drive Operation
Weapon Upgrades => Advanced Weapon Upgrades
Electronic Upgrades
Energy Grid Upgrades
Shield Upgrades
Mining Upgrades
Acceleration Control
Evasive Maneuvering
Shield/Armor Compensation skills (4 of each)
Controlled Bursts
Fuel Conservation
High Speed Maneuvering
Angel - Explosive
Bears - All
Blood - EM
Drones - EM
Gurista - Kinetic
Mercenaries - Thermal
Mordus - Thermal
Sansha - EM
Serpentis - Thermal
Amarr Navy - EM / Thermal
Angel Cartel - Explosive / Kinetic
Bears - Kinetic / EM / Thermal / Explosive
Blood Raider - Thermal / EM
Caldari - Kinetic / Thermal
Gallente - Thermal / Kinetic
Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
Minmatar Republic - Explosive / EM / Kinetic
Mordu's Legion - Kinetic / Thermal
Rogue Drones - Explosive / Kinetic / Thermal
Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
Serpentis - Thermal / Kinetic
Amarr - Radar
Caldari - Gravimetric
Gallente - Magnetometric
Minmatar - Ladar

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:55:15
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