

Penguins Landing
Name Penguins Landing
Ticker BH1
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo colonel kernite
Members 2
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98089898

Members [2]


u'Bring US his corpse we want to WEAR it!!!

There will be a day in EVE where you\'re doing you\'re own thing and BAM! you\'re under attack. You have never done PVP you have no idea what to do and start to panic next thing you know you\'re in a pod pissed off viewing market for new ships.


Every player new or old can PVP; you just need to learn how.

Penguins Landing is a corporation made for new and older players of eve to learn the basics or advanced parts of eve online.

Bonuses of training in a PVP corp?

PVP and self defense in space are our biggest focus. In our corp you and your corp mates may shoot at each other in high sec without concord coming to break it up. This means you can test out your tanks and find the fighting style that suits you and your skill set. All while getting advice from older members.


Corp members that kill other corp mates ( unless both players agree to a fight to the death ) will be podded and removed from corporation.

We aim the teach so you have the right skills and right tactics to keep yourselves alive in New Eden.

We are now recruiting, contact Dale Gribb1e if you are interested. Or join "PL Pub" chat.

What we do:

-WH Exploration/Raids
-Small Gang PVP
-Anti-Mining Operations
-PVP Training

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Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:32:33
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