

Phenex Industries
Name Phenex Industries
Ticker X.I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Darkenral
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1177335604

Members [2]


Phenex Industries is an industrial / mission running corp. Several of our members have experience with the aspects of 0.0 and running corporations and holding high ranking positions in alliances. After some things went wrong in that prior alliance we stepped down and left to come into empire to relax and find our place in the universe. We take care of our own as best we can, in any situation the corp and its members come first.
Anyone interested in joining simply need to get into our public channel and see if anyone is available to chat. Beyond that the only other requirements are that you not be a trial account and that you have 5 to 15 mil SP. Limited API keys are required and this is not optional starting as of 5/4/2009. Those will be given to the CEO for background checks. We of course can make SP exceptions but this will be case by case and final decisions are made typically by the CEO or one of the trusted directors.
Public Channel: [X.I] PUBLIC

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 00:35:12
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