

Phoenix Defense Systems and Contracting
Name Phoenix Defense Systems and Contracting
Ticker PDSAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nightowl Mclovin
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98379992

Members [1]


Phoenix Defense Systems and Contracting (Phoenix Defense, for short)

"From the ashes we rise... and kick ass."

Phoenix Defense is in the business of making money, simply put. To be more precise, we do industry, missioning and exploration, following wherever the quest for isk may take us.

What we currently have is a great group of industrialists, missioners, and exploers; who, while being great at what they do, are also all-around great folks to fly with. These pilots hail from all over, including the US and UK.

What we currently are looking forward to having more of is missioners and industrialists, but all pilots from all walks are welcome, That includes PVP pilots- after all, we are near Null sec as well as several low sec systems.

Currently we have a couple of positions to fill, for those who quallify or are looking for advancement:

'Rat' Outreach Lead (Missioning Lead)- While we have several who do missions, they are also involved in industry, and as such are focused elsewhere in terms of leadership
Sargeant-at-Arms (PVP Lead)- Having come from mostly a PVE background our pilots may be able to hold their own in combat against our enemies; however, PDSAC Could greatly benefit from strong leadership in the PVP department.

Corporate Leadership recieves several benefits from their position, as well as the performance-based incentives offered their corpmates along with SRP, ore and module purchase, and Exotic Dancers.

Other Pilots may qualify for various other signing bonuses. Please be sure to ask abou them upon joining.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 19:56:19
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