

Pilots for the Ethical Elimination of Pods
Name Pilots for the Ethical Elimination of Pods
Ticker PEPS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Saurek
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 195306288

Members [8]


u'At PEEPs we pride ourselves on being a leader in the ethical pod elimination industry. With our state of the art execution and reprocessing capabilities we can separate the putrid pirate bio-matter from any pod and transform it into a high-grade Amarr Slave Hound dog food, Synthetic Oil or Salad Dressing depending on the needs of our clients.

Our Lawyers are experts in factional negotiation, ethics, bribes and plausible deniability tactics, virtually eliminating all legal traceability back to our clients. Our CEO also personally offers this ISK back guarantee: "If a client is ever found out and pod-killed as a result of our services they can receive full non-materialistic refund. To date we have never had anyone take us up on this guarantee; however, there have been a few attempts by pilots bearing an uncanny resemblance to our original clients."\x9d

Our corporation motto:
"No pod elimination job too difficult - no fee too large!"'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 00:12:02
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