

Praetorian Prefect
Name Praetorian Prefect
Ticker PR-PR
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 5
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98309741

Members [5]


Some players, such as carebears or nullbears, may pretend to be dead as a defense mechanism.

A strategy these bears have, though. You\u2019ve seen it before, but maybe never thought about it. They freeze.

When a carebear or a nullbear freezes, they can remain almost entirely motionless for minutes at a time. Try it yourself. Whatever position you\u2019re in right now, move nothing at all for the next minute. It\u2019s not so easy!

The reason an ability to freeze works as a defense is that a predator\u2019s attack behavior may actually be triggered by motion. A frog, for example, will literally starve to death in a box full of dead flies. Pass one of those flies in front of its eyes on a little string, though, and it will automatically gulp it down.

The response to freeze is completely hard-wired, so freezing shows us something about both predator and prey. Evolution has caused the freeze strategy to come into existence precisely because it fits in with the way the bears need to survivive.

Carebears Click Here

p.s. Thanks for the great vid Chance! Wingspan Delivery'

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Last Update: 2025-03-21 06:20:33
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