Welcome to
Proelia Space Operations At Proelia, we allow ourselfs to explore and learn all the mysteries of the universe. Dedicated to become masterss of procution, resouce management, trading, and if we must. Combat.
Based in Hi-Sec System and also very close to main market hubs where we feel safe. We are after all a friendly corporation and we welcome new faces with a smile!
We are a part of
United Industrial Conglomerate of Eve alliance.
We Offer:
- Boosted Minings Operations.
- Homefront Operations.
- Mission Running.
- PvP Oppertunities.
- Corp Projects.
- Corp Buyback Program.
- No activity requirements.
Tax: 1%
Fee: 0%
Best RegardsCEO -
Jessi Justine Recruiter -
Vekuni Misaari
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 17:24:32