

Protek Industries
Name Protek Industries
Ticker PRTK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Divine Frog
Members 14
Tax Rate 6.2%
corporationID 98252362

Members [14]


+NO required participation events
+Free Ship of Selection after 10 days*
+Ship Replacement Program
+Ore Buy Back
+Full Refinery Access, even recruits
+Very newcomer friendly, Experienced Veterans
+Training and Advice during voice sessions
+FREE FACTORY ACCESS after 10 days, slots increase over time.
+FREE LAB ACCESS after 15 days, slots increase over time.

*(provided you are at least somewhat active, nothing crazy)

What we expect:

API keys are NOT required! But they will be if you desire special roles.

Many things are provided for you by a LOW FLAT TAX. There are corps with lower tax rates but their SRP is generally bad, or they nickel and dime you in other ways, or charge for R&D and PI access. These things are free here. The more you make the more resources everyone has available, so we help optimize each other. We are excited to see you in the recruitment channel!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 08:31:45
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API J:20 Mar 01:36 K:20 Mar 01:36 C:20 Mar 01:56 A:20 Mar 01:45 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Mar 01:55 S:20 Mar 01:41 W:20 Mar 01:15