

Purosupekuta Resourcing Auxiliary-Navy
United Neopian Federation
Name Purosupekuta Resourcing Auxiliary-Navy
Ticker PRA-N
Alliance United Neopian Federation
Faction -
Ceo Mahazkei Vas'Hiigara
Members 1
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98597670

Members [1]


Raised under the United Neopian Federation as a subsidiary, the Purosupekuta Resourcing Auxiliary-Navy was created and meant to operate in empire space, but has migrated most of its non-combatant activities to null-security space.

Purosupekuta is primarily a combat industrial corporation, engaging in combat salvage operations to obtain materials as opposed to mining. Taking its parent alliance's traits to the extreme allows them to aggressively reverse engineer anything they recover, or scrap their gains in exchange for parts and raw materials for self-sufficient manufacturing.

Its efforts are directed towards running jobs, missions and clearing sites in local sectors to obtain the majority of its materials, but it does not discourage obtaining materials from other capsuleer entities via combat.

As a result of their methods of acquisition, they are seen as technological magpies; anything different to contemporary technology is of interest regardless of age, or complexity, and most view them as engineers who want more things to pick apart to look at and sate their curiosity.

Other activities may include humanitarian efforts in warzones and high conflict areas, where their knowledge in technology and their ability to recover otherwise unsalvageable materials and tech is exceptionally valuable to themselves and others.

In late October of YC122, PRA-N had the inaugural launch of its terrestrial branch, the Purosupekuta Resourcing Auxiliary-Marines, deployed them to Skarkon II with an experimental Mobile Command Center and with the assistance of the Bosena Accords evacuated as many of the civilian population as wanted to leave the planet and did so until until June of YC125.

In between this period, PRA-N itself was put to the test in recovery-retreat from the Eugales system that took place in YC123 through YC125 and was key in resource acquisition that lead to the UNF's departure from empire-controlled space. They now consolidate the remains of the Eugales Superproject for redistribution in MHC-R3, and are slowly transitioning from a naval power into a terrestrial one. It remains to be seen if their branch division ends up subsuming its parent and becoming the standard in the future.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 12:27:12
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