

Purple Void Corporation
Name Purple Void Corporation
Ticker P-VOC
Alliance LinkNet
Faction -
Ceo Wyndii Chelien
Members 170
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98724132

Members [170]


u'Join "Purple Void Corporation" - A friendly, social mining and industrial corporation - We use Discord and voice as our main form of communication, as well as the in game channel as we play Eve. We have members from around the World.

Our focus is mining and industry, however we play in everything Eve has to offer:

* Mining ore, Ice, Moon ore in Highsec, Lowsec, Wormhole Space, Pochven and Nullsec
* Boosting & Compression Orca and Porpoise Fleets available.
* Industrial building in ships, fuel block production or anything else for our customers.
* Group Activities: Level 1-4 Mission Running PVE, Home Fronts, Abyssal Dead Space, Combat sites, FOB killing in Highsec.
* Pirate Faction Group Warfare in Zarzakh for both Angels and Guristas.
* Class 3 Wormhole activities in mining, Planetary Interaction, Combat sites, Data and Relic sites, PVE and PVP.
* Access to Nullsec with our alliance, activities include: Mining, Combat Sites, PVE, Industrial Capital Production, CTA\'s, PVP.
* Activities in Pochven include ore mining, getting standings with the Triglavians, Edencom and Level 7 Clades. Pochven Police roaming PVP.

We have a lot of Isk making opportunities and Corp Projects

Our Corp is looking for:

Purple Void Corporation - Miners, Indy, PVE and PVP Wanted

* Miners in Highsec, C3 Wormhole and Nullsec
* Porpoise and Orca Pilots that can provide Boost and Compression fleets for our members
* Industrial Production and Building of ships, Fuel Blocks and everything else for our Alliance and our Customers
* Haulers and Jump Freighter Pilots
* PVE Mission Runners, Abyssal Pilots, FOB Pilots, Incursion Pilots that can run fleets for group activities for the Corp.
* PVP Combat Pilots for Pirate Group Faction Warfare, C3 Wormhole Protection and PVP and CTA\'s in Nullsec with our Corp and Alliance.
* We are a Great community on Discord and in game
* All time zones and Alpha friendly all welcome
* Play as you like, Relax and have fun

To Apply or for further information:

To apply to our corp or for further information please send an eve mail to Wyndii Chelien and join our public in-game channel \u201cThe Purple Void\u201d and wait for a reply. A Discord voice interview will be required before acceptance into our corp. This is because we have to have an interview chat to see if you fit our corp criteria.

Read the corp Recruitment FAQ for more information about our corporation. Recruitment FAQ

Complete our Simple Membership Survey, so we can see what our members enjoy and plan activities to suit them. Interests Survey

Notify Wyndii Chelien when you have completed the survey.

The Purple Void - Purple Void Public in game chat channel.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 22:02:00
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