

Pyrena Dead Acadamy
Name Pyrena Dead Acadamy
Ticker P-D-A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Workable Rocket
Members 2
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98197648

Members [2]


The Dead Alliance
Pyrena Dead Acadamy
For new pilots to eve(2-6 months old)
The Pyrena Dead Acadamy (P-D-A) is a recruiting company that claimed the screening rights for access to two parent companies (ExoGen Foundation and Snap Crackle and Shock Solutions).
The P-D-A's interests are represented by the Executive Board, which essentially governs the recruiting and screening rights and keeps the new pilots there in line.
The Executive Board consists of each CEO from the corps recruiting and is lead by the CEO of P-D-A(Workable Rocket )

We are Based in Amarr Empire space,

We are looking for:
+ Mission running/Indy/Mining
+ Good Amarr Standing
What we offer:
+ Highsec Lab Space
+ Fleet Support
+ Mumble
+ Mining Ops
+ Mineral buy back
+ LvL 4 Missions (run alongs to make ISK/Standings)
+ Help for pilots
What we require
+ Must be subscribed account
+ Relocate to Tash Region
+ Full Api on application form

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 03:07:22
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