

Queen Sac
Name Queen Sac
Ticker PAWWN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo R0QU3 Anthar
Members 14
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98676109

Members [14]


There are NO blunders, only accidental gambits.

We are a chill wormhole corp made of a wide range of players from newbros to grizzled vets

We primarily do industry/pvp at the moment

We accept nearly anyone from veterans of the game to first day players. we do not care about your skill level though we do require Omega or above 5 mil skillpoints and a plan to get omega soon.

What we offer currently:
-Mining boosts to improve income
-Very few required activities the only one being home defense
-Help to new players
-Free Ventures, exploration ships and pvp frigs
-Main citadel in a wormhole

What we plan to offer soon:
-Ship replacement program for ships lost during fleets
-Scheduled mining ops

If you are interested in joining or have any questions message one of our recruiters
We will be primarily communicating through discord
Our recruiters:
Discord: (meatSHtick#8348) In game: (Bl4CKlight Anthar)
Discord: (YAYEETER YEETS6#8290) Ingame: (YAYEETER YEETS6)
Discord: (JustCallMeBunz#5056) Ingame: (meatSHtick)
Diplomats: (meatSHtick#8348) In game: (Bl4CKlight Anthar)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 07:19:01
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