

Pandemic Horde
Name R.A.A.
Ticker RAAOD
Alliance Pandemic Horde
Faction -
Ceo Ruscurl 411
Members 148
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98770788

Members [148]


"Silent Professionals"

"RAA OR DIE" - someone

RAA is a corporation for PvPer's, PvE'ers and Indy bro's alike. Led by veterans from both sides of the current null-sec political spectrum you can expect to be taught anything you wish to know about New Eden and it's contents.

We have some requirements however.. like being active on comms when in-game. Other than that, we'd prefer players with >15m skill points, we will make some exceptions though if you're skilled into certain areas. Come join us in Discord, fill out the application and let's have a chat.

All members of RAA must be willing to PvP when called for. We are a small corporation and need every number possible when it comes to defending our territory.

-Corporation Details-

- 10% tax rate
- Discord communication
- PVP/PVE with Indy
- 90% Jita split buyback

Prior to recruitment all of your toons must be on our auth system:

For recruitment - RAA Pub or Discord

Applications will be processed weekly.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 08:01:36
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