

Raven Mining and Cargo Inc.
Name Raven Mining and Cargo Inc.
Ticker RM.CI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Leo Ravenheart
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98189077

Members [1]


Here at Raven Mining and Cargo Inc. we strive to be the best!

Need something moving?
Need something mining?
Need something making?

Raven Mining and Cargo is here to help!

We will haul cargo to any edge of the universe, or will mine the materials you need.
Below is our basic fee sheet:
Initial Fees
High Sec - 2.5 Million ISK at 10.0, Increasing by 2.5 Million per decrease in Security Status.
Low Sec - 5.0 Million ISK at 5.0, Increasing by 5.0 Million per decrease in Security Status.
Null Sec - 20.0 Million ISK

Price Per Jump
High Sec - 25,000 ISK
Low Sec - 50,000 ISK
Null Sec - 100,000 ISK

Ship Fee
The market cost for the ship that'll be required to complete the haul.

Illegal Goods
An extra 25% of the total cost will be charged for any illegal good hauled (25% per type of goods)

Your total will be as follows:
Initial Fee + Jump Fee + Ship Fee = Initial Total + Illegal Goods Cost = GRAND TOTAL

If you are interested, Mail Leo Ravenheart with your Start System, End System and what you want hauling or mining.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:34:13
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