

Rawhide Rebellion
Name Rawhide Rebellion
Ticker .R4WR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo CaptBurst
Members 1
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 1201657329

Members [1]


The Rawhide Rebellion, a corporation whose dealings are based on the basis of mutual respect and friendship between its core members.

Only the most worthy have remained bound to their word of honor and have decided to follow into the .R4WR, a new corp, a fresh start, a new life, built upon the chains of sorrow and blood of fallen comrades and the disgruntled labor force. The new corporation has vowed to strike back one day and take its rightful place among the glorious corporations and alliances in the depths of EVE. And let it be known, we shall not sheathe our weapons, we shall not lay down our guns until the last of our brethren has been avenged and unified in glory with the spirits of our fathers.

Henceforth, we will be recruiting miners, industrialists, scientists, combat pilots with a positive standing. Requirements for the miners is the ability to fly barges, the ability of the combat pilots is a battleship.

Ship manufacture
Module manufacture
Rig manufacture

Quality has a high price :)

A bit corny, but we abide by the policy "all for one and one for all" :) Basically, teamwork is much appreciated. All members have some experience, one way or the other. And we kinda tend to ourselves.

Well, we went through the realms of the psychological, the physical, the metaphysical and back. And we learned a lot. As long as we stick together, you can grind us, you can scorn us, you can hate us... Hell you can even love us... But we shall not fail and we shall not back down. We follow the code of pride and honor. And thats it :)

Well, we are on good relations with almost all major corporations and alliances. Which does not mean we like them. We just like doing business with them. No +10 / -10 with any so far and we are gonna keep it that way. Pirate customers are welcome, mercenary customers are welcome... As long as you have the cash, we will have a ship for you.

We got some... Where? None of your business XD

Station of our own where all dealings, legal or illegal will be done. An open trade zone to all. And yes, even the ones with a -10 standing :)

We dont fight them. We pay so that experienced killers fight them for us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 18:17:18
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