

Re-Awakened Technologies Inc
Name Re-Awakened Technologies Inc
Ticker RE-AW
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Elayae
Members 2
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 429388134

Members [2]



As you drop out of warp, the asteroid field casts mottled shadows over your hull. Your sensors sweep the derelict station. Results: inconclusive. You approach. An alarm sounds: you're being target locked. A squadron of ships starts closing on you. Missiles break your shields, followed by a swath of lasers. As your starboard armor starts vaporizing, a cloud of ions glitters in the light of a distant binary.

Now would be a good time to have better intel, better training, or even a wingman. You may be immortal, but your ship is not.

Why Join Re-Awakened?

+ Pro-Republic + Anti-pirate + Anti-slaver
+ Training & support, including ships & other gear at reduced costs
+ Variety of ops, including missions (L1- L4), patrols, & mining
+ We're often at war, against pirates and other threats to the Republic
+ Intel & protection for noncombatants (e.g., miners, haulers, traders)
+ Heavy industrial infrastructure, including our own stations (POSs), multiple offices, and a deep, researched library of blueprints
+ New & experienced pilots welcome ((all Time Zones))
+ Opportunities for leadership

We're not a "boys' club." We're friendly, mature, sane, and civil. We value initiative and self-reliance, yet we also value mentoring and teamwork. Our members include men and women. For more info, ask on "PUBLIC - REAW, or visit:

OOC Info

We're a role play (RP) corp. Your character should be motivated to support the Republic and bring justice to pirates and slavers, because that's what we do. We're in-character (IC) by default, and we're only out-of-character (OOC) in designated channels. No minimum SP (skillpoints), but no trial accounts. TeamSpeak voice server for ops, but voice chat not required to join. We're here for fun and friendship. This isn't a second job.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:44:56
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