

Red Dwarf Industries Inc
Name Red Dwarf Industries Inc
Ticker REDDF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Alicia 'Red' Kashuken
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98183760

Members [1]


Welcome to Red Dwarf Industries Inc.

We are a Friendly, Fairly Laid back corp with big goals.

We have a Mission running Division for PVE (running missions from level 1 - 4) and an Industry Divison for mining ops in high sec (currently). We have Orca support.

Current goals:
*To establish a high sec POS enabling us to maintain and run a research and manufacture program and to be at the coal face for mining ops
* To increase the size of our PVE fleet and run regular level 4 mission ops
* To branch into PVP
* To run expeditions into WH Space and to set up a mining regime within.
* To begin a Planetary Interaction start up program for new players.

Currently accepting applications from new players and experienced pilots.

Contact Prostoskis or Flash Salvation for application.

Fly safe

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 05:01:39
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