

Red Skorpio Mining and Trading Corporation
Name Red Skorpio Mining and Trading Corporation
Ticker RSMTC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo E3die
Members 10
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 2064683180

Members [10]


We are a Corp that welcomes both new and experienced EVE players. We play EVE to have fun.
At the moment we are looking for new members to join our Corp. Primary game time is europe.

What we do:
- Mining
- Trading
- Research
- Production
- Planetary Interaction
- Missions

Most of the tasks we do togheter with other corp members to enjoy the most of the game. This way new and old players can benefits from each other.

What we require from you:
- Be friendly with corp members
- Ready to help corp and new members
- Some interrest in the game going forward
- Develop and maintain the Corps integrety
- Have a full game account no trial
- Have min. 5 mill skillpoints if want to do pvp
- API Key to check your background

Hombase is in Eglennaert Moon 11 Astral Mining.
If you want more information join open chat channel "Red Skorp"

Fly safe.
Red Skorpio

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:41:13
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API J:19 Mar 17:36 K:19 Mar 17:36 C:19 Mar 08:43 A:19 Mar 18:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Mar 17:55 S:19 Mar 17:40 W:19 Mar 17:14