

Red Soveriegn
Name Red Soveriegn
Ticker R S
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Xao Zi
Members 8
Tax Rate 12.3%
corporationID 1059748768

Members [8]


We are an all out operation range corp. We do mining, pvping....a bit of everything! We seek for brothers that have a spirit of team play, wants to help the corp grow and at same time evolve individually!
All races and professions will be welcome. We seek miners, fighters, enginners, name it !!

As a Bonus, RED SOVERIEGN is a part of the F.U.C. Alliance !

For all you pilots out there....GUYS ! WE MEAN BUSINESS!

For aplication seek out our offices or send direct e-mail to our recruitment officer Amonse. Enter a description of you char, profession and what are your goals in the game as well as what do you aspect from the corp.


-0.0 sp
- team play
- mature thinking

We will take your application serious !

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 18:13:51
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