

Reincorperated Specter
Name Reincorperated Specter
Ticker RIXP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Inki Creemer
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98184225

Members [6]


We are Industrialists and Miners. We operate out of highsec. There are no taxes. All members will be fairly compensated for their work and shown respect as they earn it. We have a couple orcas suport for mining ops. Few benifits but relaxed atmosphere. Real life takes precident.

Speak with us to get an invite to our channel for recruiting or exchanging blue status for lower taxes on our planetary customs offices for your corperation.


For those looking to sell ore to us through contracts we will have a price listing as follows. This will be subject to change but we will honor the current posting.

12.82 Veldspar
13.20 Concentrated Veldspar
13.67 Dense Veldspar
23.33 Scordite
24.16 Condensed Scordite
25.71 Massive Scordite
47.52 Pyroxeres
47.91 Solid Pyroxeres
48.81 Viscous Pyroxeres
45.48 Plagioclase
46.71 Azure Plagioclase
50.53 Rich Plagioclase
74.45 Omber
72.50 Silvery Omber
80.05 Golden Omber
325.00 Jaspet
333.00 Pure Jaspet
402.00 Pristine Jaspet

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 15:00:08
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