

Repose Is Probable
Name Repose Is Probable
Ticker DFNBI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mr Merc
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98380862

Members [2]


"Pew-Pews and Wub-Wubs"

3rd Week of Every Month: War Week!
- We Will be at War During This Week So We Can Get Some Fun Pew Pews!!!
- We Will be Looking For Similar Sized Groups to Keep Things Fair
- Current Size Looking to Fight: 5 - 10 Members
- Surrender Fee Will Always Be Cost of Declare (We For Fun Not Profit When It Comes to War)

Corp Leader: Count Szadek
Corp Diplomat: Fedo

- We have no skill point requirement
- During war week: All fight (alts are given exception)
- Expect tax rate to change if cost of running increases. Currently there is no cost, so 0 tax rate.
- TS3 and Mic are required. Skype is also recommended with a camera, but not required.
- Main TZ's: Late Night US (AKA: "Before the Sun rises over the horizon" early morning) - AUS
- What we require from you:

* - API Key to character joining.
* - Acknowledgement of any alts (do you have alts? Yes or No)
* - Reason for wanting to join.
* - Brief description of yourself (what kind of music you like, bullshit like that, etc)

Note: We are not currently actively recruiting. If you are interested in joining us however, please put in an application with the above information and if we feel you would be a good fit, we will conduct an audio interview.

As Corp CEO is a New Halaima CODE of Conduct Shareholder (see for details), a message: Employment in this corporation does not constitute access to a permit or special treatment. It is encouraged, however, is not a requirement of this corp. If you are caught by an agent, corp leadership will not be expected to back you up and may side with the CODE agent. We see them as police and will allow them to conduct their business (you don't lose your job over a speeding ticket, right?). You are however, more then welcome to ask for advise on fittings and tactics to increase your chances of not being found non-compliant.

***** Corp leadership is not responsible for what employees (members) do on their off time (Outside of Ops / Fleets). You are however, more then welcome to submit complaints of such things, and depending on the situation, laughter may ensue at our member or your expense. *****

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:38:36
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