Offensive Corporation Description
From: GM Banquet
Sent: 2024.07.17 14:26
Your corporation has been reported for having offensive language or a link to offensive material in it's description, corporation name or naming of assets. Our review of your corporation details has confirmed this and the offensive material has been removed. We must inform you that this is a breach of the EULA sections 6.A.5 and 6.C, pertaining to the Terms of Service item 2.
This is an official warning to cease such actions immediately. We want to point out to our valued customers that repeated violations of our EULA will eventually lead to further action being taken against offending accounts, up to and including a termination of the license to access EVE Online. Please take the time and re-familiarize yourself with our policies here;
Should you wish to contest this warning then you may file a support ticket directly from the EVE Online website:
Please do not reply to this mail as it will not receive a response from Customer Support; we may only deal with an issue arising from this matter via the support ticket system.
Best regards,
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 23:50:53