

Robotic Metal Fatigue
Name Robotic Metal Fatigue
Ticker R.M.F
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo cylonagent
Members 9
Tax Rate 0.4%
corporationID 98061322

Members [9]


-Casual Industry/PvP (high/low)-'sec
-Mining (high/low)-'sec
-Future PvP roams
-Little to no Tax

Apply Today!
Corp Roles needed ASAP! High sec and low sec mining roles needed ASAP once firmly grounded we will have mining ops pvp roams and all the fun that comes along with it. We are very casual and ready for all your input and suggestions towards a better corp, so join RMF today and see what we can bring to EVE!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:17:51
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