

Name RockPirates
Ticker ROCKP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ragnar Artrald
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98204452

Members [2]


Thanks for checking out RockPirates!
We are always looking for new member to our corp. New and old players are welcome.
If you are interested in:
1 - Mining Ops
2 - PVP
3 - Exploration Ops
4 - Mission Ops
we take part in all of it. Our members of RockPirates, along with our fellow alliance members are very friendly and are always will to help out in any way shape or form, so new players dont feel shy and apply.

We are all pretty drama free. We expect everyone to treat other corp members along with alliance member with the most respect and you expect in return.

We do use TeamSpeak 3 for voice coms. It is highly reccomended if you are accepted in the corp to down load it and we will give you the info to get into the server. Sometimes voice coms is alot faster way to get word out when running Ops.

That should cover what we are all about so if you are interested in joining please apply and one of our recruiters will get to you ASAP. Make sure to have a full API key ready due to we will want to check it. We try to run high secuity in our corp. With out a full API key you will not be accepted.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 00:15:03
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API J:19 Mar 00:38 K:19 Mar 00:44 C:19 Mar 01:17 A:19 Mar 01:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Mar 00:55 S:19 Mar 00:40 W:19 Mar 01:15