

Nebula Industries And Frozen Assets
Name RogueCorp
Ticker ROGCO
Alliance Nebula Industries And Frozen Assets
Faction -
Ceo Faen Sarn
Members 167
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98279893

Members [167]


We follow the new Hek CODE of Content\u2122
Member, Hek Mining Association
"If you want to mine, you can go to Hek."

"Our mission is to empower our members to become
the best version of themselves."

RogueCorp wants...

\u272fNew Players\u272f

We are looking new players, Alpha and Omega alike, who are looking to get their feet wet before (maybe) moving on to bigger and better things. Although our primary focus is industry, we prefer to think of ourselves as a training corp to help provide guidance on the many paths available in New Eden.

\u272fVeteran Players\u272f
We are also looking for veteran players interested in sharing their knowledge and helping mold the next generation of capsuleers. We don\'t care where you came from or what you know. Everyone\'s experience is valuable.

RogueCorp offers...

\u272fA Casual and Supportive Environment\u272f

We just have one rule; don\'t be an asshole. Other than that, we don\'t care how often you fly or what you do while you are. Our only goal is to provide our members with the skills and resources they need to chart their own course in New Eden.

\u272f(Ir)regular Fleets\u272f
In cooperation with the Hek Mining Association, we have a mining fleet running with Orca Boosts every weekday. These fleets are open to the public so just look for the HMA Public Mining Fleet in Fleet up! In addition to these fleets, we routinely offer a variety of other fleets (Abyssals, L4-Missioning, Incursions, PvP Roams, etc.) either directly or through our content partners.

\u272fAn Expansive BPO Library\u272f
With a growing collection of perfectly researched blueprints we offer ample opportunities for the budding industrialists to ply their trade. In addition, we are constantly stockpiling materials available to our members at reasonable prices for their personal projects.

\u272f\u272f\u272fClick here to start the application process\u272f\u272f\u272f'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 16:04:09
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