

Rookies Academy Elite
Name Rookies Academy Elite
Ticker N3WBY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo CEOHolder
Members 65
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 145900046

Members [65]


Welcome Message

We are a corporation with the goal of helping newer characters deal with the steep learning curve of EVE Online. To that end we provide assistance in the forms of training, advice, some financial aid, and mostly, a group setting where we can all help each other's characters develop.

A Rookie's pilot should have the following qualities:
* Professionalism. We don't smacktalk, disobey orders or run around willy nilly like headless chickens on drugs.
* A Desire to Learn, Teach and Excel. Rookie's pilots should be prepared to look at their own efforts and constantly seek to improve. Also, you should be willing to pass your knowledge on to less experienced players.

Due to the nature of The Rookie's, there is no minimum character age or skill point requirement, however you must agree to the following terms:
* You do not necessarily need to be economically self-sufficient, but you must be willing to assist in corp activities such as mining and salvaging, that allow the corp to assist members in need.
* You are willing to fight ((PvP)) alongside your corpmates; in turn this means that you are willing to train for different roles as may be needed by the corporation.
* You are willing to make adjustments to your training schedule to accommodate specific equipment and tactics employed by the corporation.
* You have access to a headset; even if you don't have a microphone, you will need to be able to hear what the FC is saying during fleet/corp activities.
* You must be willing to relocate to The Rookie's home system (currently wuos ) and participate in corp activities.
* Have a headset for being able to listen to a Fleet Commander's instruction.
* We do have people under the age of 18, but applications and remaining members will remain on a case by case basis on maturity level on the evaluation of the Directors.

We are based out of the wuos Solar System

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 17:19:21
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