

Ticker SPQRP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Robur Aurgnet
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98112919

Members [4]


Diplomatic Contact: Mark Naari

S.P.Q.R. will become a large, multi-faceted corporation which offers access to all "legal" forms of game play within the Eve universe.

S.P.Q.R. will realize our corporate vision through the recruitment of quality players who have an interest in participating in an active and flexible corporation.

Core Values:
-- Members are expected to adhere to "legal" (as defined by Concord) pursuits. Any action resulting in a criminal flag from Concord (Piracy, ganking, can-flipping, etc) is not acceptable. We hold our members to a higher standard of integrity and expect our members to resist the urge to ruin another player's enjoyment of the game.
-- Members work together with the goal of making the game fun and profitable. New members as well as long-term members are encouraged to lead and/or participate in events and operations. Remember, you don't need the optimal skills to lead an event, the interest in organizing the event is suffice.
-- Real Life is more important than the game. Be responsible and do what needs to be done outside the game first.

General practices and examples of "illegal" actions:
High Sec:
-- Any action leading to someone getting Concorded except in the defense of themselves, members of their corporation, or members of the alliance.
-- Any action that would result in a criminal flag except those actions that are in response to an "illegal" action directed at you.
-- Anything listed in the Low Sec and Null Sec / WH sections.

Low Sec:
-- Ganking or other forms of theft except when the target has an outlaw flag.
-- Invasion of a player's mission space except when that player is a legal target to you.
-- Anything listed in the Null Sec / WH section.

Null Sec / WH:
-- We follow a Not-Blue-Shoot-It (NBSI) policy. However; each pilot is permitted to enter into negotiations as they desire. If an agreement is reached with a pilot, and that agreement can be confirmed, then all corporate members should honor that agreement. Any agreement breached by the other party nullifies the agreement. Agreements with corporate leadership shall have a stated duration, but agreements with non-corporate leadership shall have a 2-hour validity period. All agreements of this nature must be communicated to the corporation for them to be valid.
-- We protect and defend our own and our allies. Enough said. :)

If the above sounds like something you want to become a part of, contact Mark Naari(Evemail or Start a Conversation) to arrange an interview with a few members. If we feel that we are a good match, your application will be accepted.

*Honor, Respect, Loyalty, Patience*

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 20:11:36
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