

Goonswarm Federation
Name S E C T
Ticker PRBCA
Alliance Goonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo Sakru
Members 33
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98766893

Members [33]


Rule 1: The Griefers Rule : EVE is only a game.
Rule 2: Your ship is not your character.
Rule 3: Never fly what you cant afford to lose.
Rule 4: Always have a backup ship.
Rule 5: Learn something new every day.
Rule 6: Always have strategic jump clones.
Rule 7: Bookmark the wormhole once you get inside
Rule 8: Its better to be corrected than wrong.
Rule 9: Keep your training queue full. 24hrs+ is there for a reason.
Rule 10: Fly frosty! Revenge only kills you and your friends. Again.
Rule 11: The PvP Rule: Never engage the enemy on their terms. Make them come to you.
Rule 12: The Other PvP Rule: If it looks like a trap, then its a f'kin trap!
Rule 13: Don't Smack Talk in Local: Even bona fide pirates think it's rude.
Rule 14: Dying makes no difference. Its what you do before you die that makes a difference.

(/edit): Rule 12: It's always a trap.

o7 Bladeburner

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 18:58:24
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