

Sanguinem Lilium
Name Sanguinem Lilium
Ticker SQLM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cragon Crendraven
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98123600

Members [1]


The Blood Lily Corporation is involved in everything! The more members we obtain the more things we can do! Loyalty and Dedication are a must!

Welcome New Members!
Some info about our corp:

We are up and coming and are looking to make it big! We hope that you are a loyal and dedicated bunch as we need it! Currently we are focused on Missioning and Mining. As more members join we will expand, so invite people!!

Members who joing will be granted two shares for joining,. Each donation over 750,000 ISK grants another two shares. If a friend joins, you get an invite bonus of two shares. As the corp becomes larger and better the share prices will rise as well and the payout will be better! It is also an easy way to make ISK for those of you who are new!

CEO: AeacusVII
CFO: Dorvas
COO: Drake Malone

Director - Mining: AeacusVII (Head of the mining expeditions)
Director - Missioning: Dorvas (Head of the missioning expeditions)
Director - Manufacturing: Position Open (Head of shipbuilding or other manufacturing expeditions)
Director - Exploring: Position Open (head of exploring expeditions)
Director - PVP: Position in Stasis until more members

Alliance Ambassador: Position Open (Will represent our alliance to other alliances, trying to gain allies with them or trade agreements and so on. Will also try to watch out for war and avoid it when possible.

Alliance Secretary of War: Drake Malone

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:40:36
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