

Scottish Ammunition.
The Ancients.
Name Scottish Ammunition.
Ticker 5COTT
Alliance The Ancients.
Faction -
Ceo Scorned Bitch
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98674956

Members [1]


We Are Scottish Ammunition.
We are a high sec Corperation Manufacturing All kinds of T1 Ammunition.
But thats not all we do .......
Join our public chat 5COT and Come hang out.

What We Offer Our Members:
*Free SRP for up to Destroyer sized ships When In Corp Fleets (for newer pilots).
*L4 Mission Running Fleets.
*Mining Fleets (Ore Or Ice mining With Fleet boosts)
*Small Gang PVP Fleets (into low and null security space)
*Access To Frigate and Amunition Bluprints (Build your Own Ships and Ammo)
*Ore & Loot buyback (We Will buy your Ore and mission loot and salvage)

*We are looking for Like minded people to come join us.
*Come Strip all the Ore out of a belt with us.
*Join us while we go run L4 Missions and raise your faction standings at the same time
*Come for a roam with us in Low or Null security space and lets get some kills on your killboard.

-We also understand that Real live always comes FIRST,
so there are no minimum time or participation requirements.

Recruitment Status: OPEN
Recruitment Contact: Fibro Optic

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:29:48
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