

Second-Hand Enjoyment
Name Second-Hand Enjoyment
Ticker 2HAND
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cynwrig Sampo
Members 4
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98174158

Members [4]


This corporation is primarily about socialising, having a group of players that enjoy common activities, whether you enjoy missioning, mining, exploring, industry, or anything else for that matter.

If you would like to join you MUST have the following:
[ ] A sense of humour! < Very Important >
[ ] The belief that Eve is a game, for fun.

What we have to offer:
Teamspeak server (makes the game Atleast 100x more fun to play)
Advice and experience (if you don't know now, and we do, you might know afterwards)
Schemes and plans >.> <.< >.>
Orca Support (Yield * 1.52)

If you like to do any of the following:
[ ] Voice chatting (The power of Teamspeak)
[ ] Small gang roams.
[ ] Security Missions.
[ ] Mining. (without miners, what would we have?)
[ ] Manufacturing. (somebody has to make all that stuff)
[ ] Manufacturing from the the minerals you mined.
[ ] PVPing in the ships you manufactured from the minerals you mined.
[ ] Saying "Check" when something in a list applies to you :P
[ ] Wormhole "Stuff" (whatever that means)

Second-Hand Public Chat

Please contact Touques (CEO) if you wish to apply.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 11:22:18
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