

Name Selinir
Ticker SELIN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Moira M'Shael
Members 11
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 2026593382

Members [11]


Started from the remains of the corporation once led by one of the Federations most respected patriots, the Selinir Corporation officially opened its doors on the 03/03/106 led by a former Federation Intelligence Officer. This corporation was opened with the help and blessings of the Federation Supreme Court but is operated by members who are not from the Federation and does not answer directly to the Federation. Even though the Federation Intelligence Office lends its full support to this corporation, many members of the Senate have voiced their concern about the potential power of this fledgling corporation that is not guided by the Senate's hand.

A comment from Selinir's former CEO, Drethon Tolar:

"In my time in the military I've been taught never to trust politicians who only care about advancing their career, often at the expense of others." he said with a grin then turned more serious. "But then I've also learned never to discount anyone's perspective, regardless of their politics.

"Selinir's purpose is to help the people. We live in a very uncertain age with very little order. Just the other day I saw a freighter blown up right in Oursulaert for no other reason than the pirates wanted to blow up a ship.

"Our intent is to bring together those who are skilled the operations that keep the empires running. To teach the young and old alike how to manufacture and move goods to places that need it. Not how to do this safely but how to be as safe as possible within this universe.

"We extend out support not just to the Federation but to members of all empires. We may not alway agree but we can work together to find prosperity for everyone."

See or join Selinir Station for further information.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 10:24:09
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