

Servant Sisters of GRIEF
Name Servant Sisters of GRIEF
Ticker AL.DI
Alliance Safety.
Faction -
Ceo Griselda Grief
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98753510

Members [6]


u'The Sisters of Grief, Mara and Liara, were born on the dusty plains of New Eden, where legends of fearless warriors and battles among the stars filled their imaginations. Raised in a colony dominated by mining operations, they grew up resenting the monotony of life tethered to the land, breaking rocks for survival. Every day, the miners scraped away at the planet\u2019s surface, oblivious to the grandeur and danger of the wider galaxy. The girls\u2019 dreams took flight the day they stumbled upon the story of Princess Aiko Danuja, a half-elf sorceress turned space pirate, whose fierce campaign against the mining fleets left the stars burning in her wake. Her mission was simple and clear: to rid the galaxy of every last miner.

Mara, the elder of the two, felt a deep connection to Princess Aiko. She admired her defiance, her refusal to bow to the slow grind of mining life, and her fierce will to impose her own vision of freedom across the stars. "We should join her," Mara whispered one night, as they watched the latest starship depart from the colony. The glow of its thrusters fading into the abyss filled them with both longing and fear. "We could help her end this," Mara continued, her voice edged with determination. Liara, always the quieter and more cautious of the pair, hesitated at first but found herself drawn to the idea. After all, what future did they have in this place, other than a life of unending labor?

Together, the Sisters of Grief devised a plan. With stolen parts and salvaged scraps from the mining yards, they built a small, sleek ship\u2014one capable of slipping through the cracks of space unnoticed. They named it The Revenant, a nod to the vengeful spirit they intended to become. Their first mission was to track down Princess Aiko herself. Word of her latest exploits had reached even their backwater colony: the legendary pirate queen was hunting miners in a nearby system, cutting through them like a scythe through wheat. The sisters, with hearts pounding in anticipation, set their course and left behind everything they had ever known.

When they finally met Princess Aiko, it was not as they had expected. She stood on the bridge of her ship, a commanding figure with her sleek black hair flowing like a dark river, the tear tattoos on her cheeks marking her as both fierce and tragic. Aiko smiled when they introduced themselves, amused by their audacity and their desire to aid her in her holy mission. "You wish to join me in hunting down every last miner?" she asked, her voice both soft and dangerous. Mara and Liara nodded, their resolve unshaken. Aiko studied them for a moment, then laughed\u2014a sound as sharp as the edge of a blade. "Very well," she said. "Prove yourselves worthy."

Under Aiko\u2019s guidance, the Sisters of Grief became legendary in their own right. No miner\u2019s fleet was safe from their wrath. Mara\u2019s aggression was unmatched in battle, while Liara\u2019s cunning made them unstoppable in their pursuit. Together, they dismantled mining operations across the galaxy, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. The miners, once so secure in their dominance of the stars, now feared the sight of The Revenant, for it heralded their end. The sisters had become exactly what they had set out to be: relentless, unstoppable, and feared, united under Princess Aiko\u2019s banner in their quest to hunt down every last miner, wherever they might hide.'

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Last Update: 2025-03-21 11:25:48
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