

ShadowForge Scientific
Name ShadowForge Scientific
Ticker SSEDC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Duchess WinterWillow Xandorluv
Members 2
Tax Rate 4.5%
corporationID 98116740

Members [2]


ShadowForge Scientific Strives & Excels in "ALL" aspects of Industry and Science to bring the best technological advances to our community by reaching out into the deepest recesses of Dark Space, then finding and salvaging derelict ancient technology left by previous long gone civilizations, then reverse-engineer these items into new discoveries for our Scientific community, which many times results in the manufacturing of advanced tech, weapons, and civilian items. Our mission statement: "Strive for Excellence-Strive for the Technology for Tomorrow"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:04:59
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