

Shadow Mutineers
Name Shadow Mutineers
Ticker S-MS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo zipchord
Members 2
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 334611278

Members [2]


u'----===SHADOW MUTINEERS===----


Primary Focus: Combat, Production, Invention, Drugs

Corporation Benefits:

*Active PVP Gangs
*Ship Replacment Program
*Industrial Wing
*0.0 Access (Legem Terrae Allies)
*Training Ops
*Free Cruisers To New Players
*Voice Coms (Vent)


I. Every Man Shall obey civil Command; the Captain shall have one full Share and a half of all Prizes; the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain and Gunner shall have one Share and quarter.

II. If any Man shall offer to run away, or keep any Secret from the Company, he shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm, and Shot.

III. If any Man shall steal any Thing in the Company, or game, to the Value of a Piece of Eight, he shall be marooned or shot.

IV. If any time we shall meet another Marooner that Man shall sign his Articles without the Consent of our Company, shall suffer such Punishment as the Captain and Company shall think fit.

V. That Man that shall strike another whilst these Articles are in force, shall receive Moses\u2019s Law (that is, 40 Stripes lacking one) on the bare Back.

VI. That Man that shall snap his Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a Cap to his Pipe, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall suffer the same Punishment as in the former Article.

VII. That Man shall not keep his Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect his Business, shall be cut off from his Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain and the Company shall think fit.

VIII. If any Man shall lose a Joint in time of an Engagement, shall have 400 Pieces of Eight ; if a Limb, 800.

IX. If at any time you meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death.


*10 Million Skillpoints (PVP Pilots Only)
*5 Million Skillpoints (Industrial Pilots Only)

*****Capital Pilots*****

*Research and Manufacturing are ready to be set up with available members.

*Mass Ship Production and fleet replacement once established all facilities are available.

-"The end of this time has come, we are at a call to arms, the occupation of Shadow worlds will no longer as we break away from the Legion and claim what is ours" - Fleet Commander Beluntz

Were looking for people who arent afraid to die but prefer wrecking another fleet instead. If you fly a Battleship, Capital ship, HAC, Recon, HIC, Interceptor, or commandship there is a place for you within us. Hiring into this wing is secure. API checks will be needed as well as drop down menu of your username box in your eve client.

For the logistics wing were looking for freighter pilots, jump freighters, pos gunners and pos technicians. Hiring into this wing is incredibly secure. API checks will be needed as well as drop down menu of your username box in your eve client. A screenshot will also need to be taken of your wallet (player donations) in order for you to be checked for reliability and security.

For the Manufacturing wing were looking for Manufacturers, Miners, Researchers and salvagers. Hiring into this wing is also incredibly secure. API checks will be needed as well as drop down menu of your username box in your eve client. A screenshot will also need to be taken of your wallet (player donations) in order for you to be checked for reliability and security.


Hulmate I - Moon 11 - Bank Of Luminaire Investment Bank

The Good Guys

Take All, Leave Nothing

Convo: Beluntz or Distructo'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-23 07:24:56
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