

Shadow State
Goonswarm Federation
Name Shadow State
Ticker SSTAT
Alliance Goonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo John Hartley
Members 373
Tax Rate 12.5%
corporationID 98011082

Members [373]


Shadow State is a shelter for those with autism and other mental disabilities. Our favorite activities include but are not limited to: chronic spodbraining, burning way too many isotopes to add another killmark to your autism chariot, crafting masterwork MS Paint art, and following our motto of "Just Gonna Send It". We are a proud pro Taylor Swift corporation. Pro Slav, Three stripe nation.

If you are also on the spectrum and this sounds like your sippy cup of juice, feel free to join SSTAT Public and say hello.

Heels in sky, western
Heels on ground komrade found.

Diplomatic Contacts:
John Hartley - EU
Snoopmit - AU

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 16:04:18
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