

Shiv Nation Militia
Name Shiv Nation Militia
Ticker SHIVM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo TheOld Wolf
Members 8
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98742522

Members [8]


**Shiv Nation Milita: Forging Legends Amidst Chaos!**

In the vast expanse of null sec, Shiv Nation Milita emerges as a beacon of bravery amidst the tumult. Pilots from diverse backgrounds converge under a single standard, bound by a common thirst for combat and renown.

**The Tale Unfolds:**

Within the swirling tempest of conflict, Shiv Nation Milita remains resolute. From covert blops assaults to intense skirmishes, every engagement offers an opportunity for valor.

**Honoring Valor:**

Monthly gatherings celebrate the boldest among us, rewarding their deeds with riches and acclaim.

**Beyond the Fray:**

Amidst the chaos, prosperity thrives. Our industrial backbone ensures comfort and wealth for all who stand with us.

**Rise to Lead:**

Shiv Nation Milita is a crucible of leadership. Ascend from the ranks, guide your comrades, and etch your name in history.

**Answer the Call:**

To the brave and the bold, Shiv Nation Milita beckons. Join our ranks, embark on a journey of glory among the stars.

**Enlist Now:**
In-game channel: Shiv-Nation

**Shiv Nation Milita: Where Legends Emerge Amidst Chaos!**

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 06:55:50
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