

Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
Name Shoulda Checked Local
Ticker 00PS
Alliance Break-A-Wish Foundation
Faction -
Ceo Adriel Malakai
Members 15
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 506956632

Members [15]


u'Professional Kill-board Padders

Freed from the oppression of materialism and the indignity of individualism by our glorious leader, Shoulda Checked Local is an unbreakable collective, each individual indivisible from the whole.

United forever in friendship and labor we strive ever forward crushing greedy capitalists and corrupt democrats beneath the unmatched might of the people.

We perform these noble duties:
\u2606 Crushing the bourgeoisie
\u2606 Social engineering
\u2606 All-Male
\u2606 Eliminating inequality
\u2606 Eliminating economic materialism

Supreme Leader: Adriel Malakai

People\'s Commissar of diplomacy: Vimsy Vortis

Minister of Agriculture: Tysinger'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 17:34:59
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