

Silent Vale
Name Silent Vale
Ticker .SLV.
Alliance LinkNet
Faction -
Ceo Lea Mei
Members 83
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98684420

Members [83]


Greetings capsuleers o7

Are you tired of the noise and chaos of high sec? Come join us in the serene nullsec region of Providence!

We started as a lowsec corp but have moved on to join our friends in nullsec by establishing a home in our own space that is now ready to grow and be defended!

We are looking for active (ideally Omega) pilots focusing on PVP & PVE in search of a friendly community of both newbro and veteran capsuleers to join our nullsec efforts.

Recruitment: Invite / Referal only
Public channel: Silent Vale recruitment
Linknet Homepage | Discord

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-26 20:41:42
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