

Sirius Cybernetics Corperation And Co-operative
Name Sirius Cybernetics Corperation And Co-operative
Ticker SCCAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lomasi Usoko
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98130687

Members [4]


Recruitment now open to new players of eve for all game play types. To apply to alliance speak to recruitment/training officers of Vortex Research . This is the offical Recruitment/Training corp for all corperations within our alliance.

"Yes, Yes, Yes!!! It's bigger on the inside." The Doctor/Doctor Who

We are a group of players that believe through working together we can all move forward.

"Time is an illision. Lunchtime doubly so!!" Ford Prefect/Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

We are a no piracy allowed group. We understand for some people that is an enjoyable way to play but we believe that friendly play will allow us all to move forward faster.

" It takes courage to stand up to ones enemies, but it takes even more courage to stand up to ones friends." Albus Dumbldore/Harry Potter And The Sorcerors Stone

All application to alliance by corperations should first be mailed to Wrung. Include game play prefered by members of your corp as well as why you think you will fit into our group.

"Why fly safe when I can FLY FUN!!!" Zador42

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:22:47
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