

Snuggle Kitties Mining Corp
Name Snuggle Kitties Mining Corp
Ticker SK-NC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Yachiru Shigira
Members 1
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98557418

Members [1]


Snuggle Kitties Mining Corp. is a small mining group thats soul purpose is to mine and earn profits. Anyone who wishs to join will be helped on learning the game and help on training up to fly mining bardges or exhumers. The ship provided to all members is Venture and fitted with 2x Miner I, 1x Expanded Cargohold II, and 1x Survey Scanner I. All ore collected and stored in the Mining hanger for the corperation will be reprocessed and sold to the market and evenly distributed to all members of the corperation. If any skill books are needed or a mining barge/exhumer is needed notify the CEO and one will be provided as soon as one is produced in the factory. If you still have questions about joining feel free to join our channel and our staff will do what they can to awnser your questions. Our public channel is SK-MC Public.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 10:10:34
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