

Solar Revolutions Co.
Name Solar Revolutions Co.
Ticker SRCO.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tassier
Members 13
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98052942

Members [13]


Looking for mature, laid back EVE personalities. Solar Revolutions seeks to support each of its members in enjoyment, profit, safety and their overall best inerest in New Eden,

-US Timezone (evenings mostly but any and all are welcome from all corners of the globe!)
-English Speaking
-Frequent Orca Support
-Large Scale Projects/Orders to either build or help contribute to frequently
-Tax Rate 5%
-Mission Runners... lvl's 1-4
-New Player Friendly
-Big egos are not fucking welcome, teamplayers only!

SRCO seeks a drama free, no shit-talk EVE experience and has the maturity to follow-thru... do you?

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 02:27:57
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API J:15 Mar 07:37 K:15 Mar 07:34 C:15 Mar 07:55 A:15 Mar 07:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 07:42 S:15 Mar 07:31 W:15 Mar 07:15