

Name Solipsistic
Ticker OWNSC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nasty Vibrations
Members 7
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98482395

Members [7]


Players with low time in game and low skill points will likely be denied. We are a nullsec corp that pays rent, noobs are not encouraged to apply. Thank you!

A corp to get away from drama and make ISK!

We opperate out of a PL rented 0.0 system and require 150m a month per character opperating out here. This is easily doable with a little bit of ratting or mining in one of our two ice belts.

Send a mail to the CEO with any questions!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 07:23:31
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