

Somalian Pirates We
Name Somalian Pirates We
Ticker S-PI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nabro
Members 9
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98082489

Members [9]


u'We drink and we pillage and we do what we please
We get all that we want for free
We\u2019ll kick your ass
And rape your lass
Somalian pirates we

So with a yo ho ho
And with a yee hee hee
We take to the African sea
We\u2019ll brave the squalls
And bust your balls
Somalian pirates we

We left our homes and we left our mothers
To go on a pillaging spree
We\u2019ll cut off your ears
And break your toes
And make you drink our pee

And if you sail into our waters
You best hear this decree
We\u2019ll take your boat
Set your ass afloat
Somalian pirates we

With a yo ho ho (yo ho ho)
And a tricky lah-tee do (tricky lah-tee do)
We\u2019ll shoot you in the face with glee
Then we\u2019ll cut off your cock
And feed it to a croc
Somalian pirates we

Somalian pirates we
Somalian pirates we'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 02:39:28
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