

Space Lizards with Spreadsheets
Name Space Lizards with Spreadsheets
Ticker SLWSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Liza Grin
Members 28
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98674738

Members [28]


u'Thank you for your interest in the Space Lizards with Spreadsheets or as we are affectionately referred to, Space Lizards. If your inyerested in joining Space Lizards, please read recruiting post HERE in general, we are between 35-65 years old and are a very proud and hard-working, goal-oriented group of pilots. We live in highsec, lowsec, and WH space, depending on each Lizard\'s interest. We run L4 security missions, PvP, destroy pirate forward operating bases (FOBs), go on lowsec and nullsec roams and do what we can to advance our alliance. Discord and a headset mic with push-to-talk is mandatory. If a laid back group of loyal go-getters sounds like a good fit for you, please email the Lizard\u2019s CEO, Neo Vallen to schedule a meeting on Discord.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 23:59:15
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