

Spaceballs Incorporated
Name Spaceballs Incorporated
Ticker SPBIN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mr Jovakko
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98383900

Members [4]


u'Spaceballs Incorporated is a multifaceted corp comprised of Industry, Exploration, Research and Developement.

Recruitment is now OPEN to all races and all skill levels. We are looking for more industrialists to maintain our industry core as well as combat pilots. If you\'re new to EVE, no worries, you\'re welcome to join too. Contact us today and get started!

Neighbor Thiesant (US Central) (SPBIN)

What We Offer
\u272a Daily Fleet Ops
\u272a Boosts
\u272a Access to Multiple Citidels
\u272a Training and support for Alpha pilots
\u272a Mission support
\u272a Voice Comms
\u272a Low Tax
\u272a Ship fitting advice
\u272a And More!!!

What We Want
\u272a Active Pilots in ALL timezones
\u272a A bit of banter!
\u272a Willingness to have fun and enjoy the game
\u272a Active participation on voice comms

Recruitment Requirements
\u272a Committed and active players
\u272a Be a team player

If you are interested in more information, please join our Recruitment Channel: Spaceballs Recruitment

Fly Safe o7'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 19:51:09
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