

Sparrow Heavy Industries
Name Sparrow Heavy Industries
Ticker SPARW
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Memnanan
Members 2
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98011025

Members [2]


Industrial corporation, building the stuff Eve pilots need.

Sparrow Heavy Industries aims to bring the highest quality of spacecraft and equipment to the pilots of Eve, for any faction.

Some stories of our satisfied customers:

"When that pirate fired his 1400mm guns and the projectiles shredded my hull, I could just tell from the impact those guns had been made by Sparrow Heavy Industries(R). Now I use them too."

"After the last piece of hull went my Zealot exploded in a bright cloud of beautiful golden sparks. It was obvious it had been painted with that special Sparrow Gold(tm) paint".

"When my vaga was shot to pieces during the battle, I salvaged the wreck, took it back to station and applied that extra duct tape. After that I couldn't tell the difference from a new one! And on top of that, the duct tape comes in handy too when your fellow corp mate is saying dumb things and can't keep his mouth shut in fleet."

Go to your nearest ship supplier and become a happy Sparrow Heavy Industries' customer too!

Sparrow Heavy Industries takes no responsibility whatsoever to any loss of isk or damage to ego as a result from the use of Sparrow Heavy Industries manufactured ships or equipment.

Corp contact: Memnanan

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 13:42:58
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