

SpearHead Armada.
Name SpearHead Armada.
Ticker SHA-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lizardia
Members 5
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98378445

Members [5]


Spearhead Armada.

Proud Supporters of B4R/S4H (Broadcast 4 Reps/Spam 4 Heals). These people are saints in the work they do. So to do our part SHA is a 0 tolerence corp for the bullying/trolling of members. While we can't stop people outside of our walls we will make sure that within it is nothing but support and love. We love having fun and playing around but never at the expense of others in a personal way.

If you cant stand with the integrity to support your fellow corpmates and people who need help then this corp is not for you.

Recruitment: Open

What We Offer:
Part of a Coalition
Small/Large Scale PvP
RL Comes First

TS3 with Mic
Full Api Key
Willing to PvP

Recruiter: Any CEO or Director

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 18:42:18
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